Last…. .night I heard them singing..over on the peaceful shore,
What a time when I can join them over there;
I have almost topped the mountain…where the Rose of Sharon grows,
And I know I have a better place to go……
I’m so glad……that I know….
When I leave, I have a better place to go;…….
While I’m waiting at the crossing, look-ing back…at friends once more,
Praise the Lord, I have a better place to go!......
I…re-mem-ber at an al-ter, though it’s been…. so long ago,
When…I gave my heart to Je-sus, kneel-ing there;….
Oh,…how pre-cious is that mem-‘ry…when His love….came shining thru,
And…I start-ed to my home be-yond the blue……
In…a while I’ll meet the rea-per who has called…so ma-ny home,
Oh,…how sad to leave my loved ones here be-low;
When…they fol-low to the grave-side, I’m so glad…I let them know,
Glory to God, I have a bet-ter place to go!....