He could have picked a flower the Rose of Sharon failed, a lily of the valley, a blossom anywhere.  He could have picked a rainbow in many colors glee, but all of all of these I知 thankful that He chose to live in me.

Oh, I知 so thankful just to know He chose to live in me out of all the beauties He had made to think that He loved me.  More than all the beautiful sunsets the rivers and the trees out of all of these I知 thankful He chose to live in me.

He could have picked an angel but he chose me instead, a palace or a mansion he could have chose to live.  The brightest star in heaven the island  or the sea, but out of all of these I知 thankful He chose to live in me.

It痴 not that I have chosen Him but He has chosen me.  Its not what I have done for him but what he痴 done for me.  He made the earth His footstool He made the birds that sing.  But out of all of these I知 thankful that He chose to live in me.

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