I know that man who walked among thousands, and
taught by the shore. I know that man that John
baptisted and Peter called Lord. I know that man
who feed the hungry, I know that man who gave to
the poor. I know that man who called Lazarus name,
up from the tomb Lazarus came forth

I know that man who walked on the water, I know
that man who calmed the seas I meet that man at an
old fashioned alter, I meet him one night on my
bended knees. He changed my mind and set me free,
Thanks be to God he now knows me. Glad I can say,
I met him one day, yes I know that man.

I know that man who touched Bartimaus, and his
sight returned. I know that man who walked out of a
firey furnace unburned. I know that man who hung
on the cross, and died for every soul that was lost.
I know that man this old world denies, but I call him
savior and lord of my life.

repeat chorus
Glad I can say, I met him one day, yes I know that

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